Written by Angelica White on September 29th
Are we Shaped by Our Life’s Experiences?
Depending on who you ask, will depend on the answer to the infamous question.
Are we shaped by the things that happen us?
I have interviewed multiple women from different walks of life and most of them speak of a pivotal moment that changed the trajectory of their life. Whether by choice or by force life has a way of redirecting and shifting to get us to our destiny.
Don’t believe me?
Here’s a brief snippet of my story to see how my life has unfolded and revealed what destiny had in store.
I am Angelica White, founder and CEO of Authentik Life Enterprises.
I am also a Woman of God, Wife, Mom, Realtor, Entrepreneur and the list goes on....
Truth Teller
Perseverance Advocate
I’m sure your list of Pronouns is just as long or longer. So know that, I get it. It’s not easy keeping ALL the plates spinning. Along with the many titles I hold, I have overcome a multitude of obstacles and challenges to get to this point.
I have always been outspoken and have always believed I chose my own path! This hasn’t always been beneficial or easy. Nonetheless, it didn’t change who I am at my core. Growing Up I never dreamed of being the Mom, Wife or Homemaker for that matter. Nothing against it. It just never intrigued me. For as long as I have remembered, I have wanted to be and envisioned myself as a Business Woman and for about 7 years I dreamed of being a real estate agent. Life along with my passion for serving others has pruned me to be the woman I am today. Like I mentioned, I have overcome many challenges. Some challenges were the result of bad decisions and other times I had no control over the curve balls life threw my way. Raised by a single mother, survivor of sexual abuse, experimented with drugs in high school, college dropout, divorcee, had my son severely premature at 23 weeks, 7months in the NICU, came home on oxygen, g-tube, and has had physical, speech and occupational therapy’s twice a week since. I can probably list three other reasons I could’ve used as an excuse not to fight for the life God had for me. But I decided to choose purpose, passion and my God-given gifts to make an impact. I now understand that everything that has occurred in my life was to mold me into the woman God called me to be. In addition, for me to use my story and every experience to help other women who are currently going through a tough season. Authentik Life was birthed from my passion for talking to like-minded women who haven’t always been dealt the best hand or have made choices that steered them in an unplanned direction. Young women need to hear the stories of real women and find comfort in knowing they don’t have to be perfect. Authentik Life is a community for women who have persevered through tough times. We aim to empower women to overcome life altering challenges through deeper connection with themselves, Christ, journaling and community. Our mission is to provide women resources and products to help them persevere while living authentically. We also provide a platform for women to share their story of how they overcame life altering obstacles on The Authentik Life podcast. We showcase women created, women inspired content & spotlight brilliant women who are making an impact in society on our Lifestyle Blog. We cover a multitude of topics from woman-hood, mother-hood, family friendly recipes, health & wellness and tips to help you live your most authentic life. My prayer is that Authentik Life will be a hub for Transparency and Authenticity.
We believe we are all shaped by our experiences. Our experiences have the power to shift our mindset, pivot our path and ignite change in the lives of those connected to us. We want to help women use their journey and the obstacles they have faced to make a positive impact in shaping the future.
Pick Up the book The Things That Happen to You by Oprah and Bruce Perry for their take as well as scientific studies on the things that happen to you as a child and how they play apart in molding you into who you are. Click the Authentik Life Bookshelf to pick up a copy.
Have your experiences shaped who you are? Hit Us Up on Social to Let us Know.
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Keep It 100 with yourself and others.
Give Grace to yourself and others.
Live Authentically who you are called to be.